GAP   Sustainability Programmes

GAP and

The team at AsureQuality is authorised by several organisations to undertake GAP and Sustainability audits to ensure that food is produced safely and sustainably.

There is an increasing requirement for producers to demonstrate compliance with Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) to satisfy consumer’s requirements that products have been grown in a safe and sustainable manner. We are authorised by several organisations to undertake GAP and sustainability audits.

(external link) GLOBALG.A.P.(external link)

Worldwide retailers, food service, food manufacturers, agricultural producers and other interested parties have developed a comprehensive system of good agricultural practices (G.A.P.) designed to secure improved consumer and environmental protection, sustainable production, as well as social and animal welfare. GLOBALG.A.P. sets voluntary standards for the certification of agricultural products around the globe.

We are a GLOBALG.A.P. approved certification body (CB), enabling us to conduct GLOBALG.A.P. audits on farms and issue GLOBALG.A.P. certificates to producers who have successfully implemented the GLOBALG.A.P. Standard.

(external link) NZGAP GLOBALG.A.P. Equivalent(external link)

The NZGAP GLOBALG.A.P. Equivalent Standard is a “Fully Benchmarked GLOBALG.A.P. Scheme” so certified growers attain an NZGAP number and a GLOBALG.A.P. number (GGN).

This NZGAP scheme has been developed specifically for New Zealand production practices. It addresses the same issues in a New Zealand context by describing production systems, farm ownership structures, technical terms and practices.

We are a NZGAP GLOBALG.A.P. Equivalent approved certification body (CB), enabling us to conduct NZGAP GLOBALG.A.P. Equivalent audits on farms and issue NZGAP GLOBALG.A.P. Equivalent certificates to producers who have successfully implemented the NZGAP GLOBALG.A.P. Equivalent Standard.

(external link) Nurture Module(external link)

NURTURE Module is a standard required of producers supplying Tesco with fresh fruit and vegetable products. The standard aims to ensure that best agricultural practices are applied in the production of the produce.

The Nurture Module is a GLOBALG.A.P. Add On programme  that is carried out under a producers GLOBALG.A.P. Integrated Farm Assurance Certification.

We are a Nurture Module approved certification body (CB), enabling us to conduct Nurture Module audits on farms and issue Nurture Module certificates to producers who have successfully implemented the Nurture Module Standard.

(external link) GRASP (GLOBALG.A.P. Risk Assessment on Social Practice) (external link)

GRASP has been developed to assess social practices on the farm, addressing specific aspects of workers’ health, safety and welfare.

GRASP is a  GLOBALG.A.P.  Add On  programme that is carried out under a producers GLOBALG.A.P.Integrated Farm Assurance Certification.

We are a  GRASP approved certification body (CB), enabling us to conduct GRASP assessments on farms and issue GRASP Proof of Assessments to producers.

(external link) NZGAP(external link)

NZGAP (New Zealand Good Agricultural Practice) is owned by Horticulture New Zealand on behalf of New Zealand Growers. Consumers are increasingly concerned about the origin and safety of their food and expect responsible and sustainable farming practices as well as the safety of workers. NZGAP certified producers can demonstrate their commitment and ability to meet these expectations.

Environmental Management System assurance for horticulture

AsureQuality also offers auditing services for growers seeking compliance with the Environment Management System (EMS) Add-on to the GLOBALG.A.P. and the NZGAP schemes.

The add-on is designed to help growers to manage their regional council’s environmental requirements alongside their usual GLOBALG.A.P. or NZGAP audit. It creates a structure specifically tailored for horticulture to identify and manage risks to the environment, focusing on the key areas of soil, nutrient, irrigation, and waterbody management, with a goal for continuous improvement.

Read more about the Environment Management System (EMS) Add-on the NZGAP website(external link) .

LEAF Marque

LEAF Marque(external link) is a leading global assurance system recognising more sustainably farmed products. LEAF (Linking Environment and Farming) is based on the principles of integrated farm management (IFM), a whole farm business approach where modern technology and traditional methods are used with the goal of delivering prosperous farming that enriches the environment and engages local communities.

UK supermarkets including Tesco, ASDA and Marks and Spencer are introducing requirements for their suppliers to hold LEAF Marque certification.

AsureQuality is the only certification body in New Zealand authorised to certify producers to the LEAF Marque Standard.